Hidden Gems

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Hidden Gems

A beautiful single cable with left and right twist borders. Can be integrated in a variety of knitting projects.

Difficulty level: Medium


You need 20 stitches for this cable.

Work right side rows (1, 3, etc.) from right to left, as shown in the chart. Purl all stitches on the wrong side rows.

Hidden Gems

Symbol Key

- purl 1

- knit 1

- 2-stitch right twist (skip next stitch on left-hand needle; working in front of skipped stitch, knit next stitch; knit skipped stitch; slide both stitches to right-hand needle

- 2-stitch left twist (skip next stitch on left-hand needle; working behindskipped stitch, knit next stitch; knit skipped stitch; slide both stitches to right-hand needle)

- 8-stitch right cable (slide 4 stitches to a cable needle and hold in back of work; knit 4; knit 4 from the cable needle

- 8-stitch left cable (slide 4 stitches to a cable needle and hold in front of work; knit 4; knit 4 from the cable needle