Twisted Hearts I

1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.36

Your Twisted Heart I - Stitch Sample

Cute little stockinette hearts, perfect for a Valentine's Day project. For more ideas see also Simple Stockinette Hearts and Twisted Hearts II.

Difficulty level: Easy


You need a stitch number multiple of 10 + 10 + 2 edge stitches. Repeat the pattern between the arrows as many times as you like.

Work all rows as shown in the chart. Right side rows (1, 3, etc.) are worked from right to left. Wrong side rows (2, 4, etc.) are worked from left to right.

Your Twisted Heart I - Knitting Chart

Symbol Key

- edge stitch

- knit 1 on the right side rows, purl 1 on the wrong side rows

- purl 1 on the right side rows, knit 1 on the right side rows

- 2-stitch right cross (skip next stitch on left-hand needle; working in front of skipped stitch, knit next stitch; purl skipped stitch; slide both stitches on right-hand needle)

- 2-stitch left cross (skip next stitch on left-hand needle; working in back of skipped stitch, knit next stitch; purl skipped stitch; slide both stitches on right-hand needle)